DILLIDUR is Dillinger Hütte’s protected and widely recognized brand for wear resistant steel plate since almost 50 years. In the recent past, alleged DILLIDUR plates and certificates which were falsified appeared in the market.
Dillinger Hütte owns marketing protected brands worldwide such as DILLIDUR (wear resistant steel plates), DILLIMAX (high strength steel plates) and others like DICREST (pressure vessel steel plates for sour service). These brands are widely recognized in the market.
In the recent past, alleged DILLIDUR plates and certificates which turned out to be falsified appeared in the market. Such a counterfeit does not only harm the intellectual property rights of Dillinger Hütte but may also cause damage to fabricators and end users of components. The properties of counterfeit DILLIDUR plates and components made of these plates may significantly deviate from genuine DILLIDUR.
Genuine DILLIDUR plates can be purchased in China at:
Dillinger Hütte direct mill contact for China:
Dillinger Iron & Steel Trading (Shanghai) Limited
Work No. 710 Dongfang Road, Pudong
Shanghai 200122
Tel.: +86 21 5841 9952
Fax: +86 21 5841 9562
URL: www.dillingerchina.com
E-mail: jianjia.zhang@dillingerchina.com
DILLIDUR stockholding partner in China:
BMM Shanghai Co., Ltd.
Work No. 520, Siyi RD, Jiading District
201801 Shanghai
Tel.: +86 21 6915 6839
Fax: +86 21 6915 6879
URL: m.kben7.cn
Email: bmm.sha@gmail.com
For questions about DILLIDUR and Dillinger Hütte please contact your local representative (contact details available on our website www.dillinger.de/d/cn/corporate/index.shtml).